Do You Have Questions?

Posted by on March 7, 2009 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Someone emailed me with questions, asking if I (and this block lotto) were going away. That’s not my intention.

I know that Janet Wickell is interested in establishing something new and different on the quilting forum. I understand that may be preferable and easier for some of you . . . or you may decide to do both (and double your chances 😉

As long as there is interest, I will continue with this block lotto as I have envisioned it for this year, with:

  • Everyone is welcome to join
  • All the blocks are beginner friendly (with an occasional S*T*R*E*T*C*H)
  • All the blocks will be 6 inches (finished size)
  • 2009 blocks will be based on Traditional Blocks
  • We’ll post photos and mail our blocks to the winners
  • The target set size for the winner(s) will be 48 blocks

I think I have some great blocks and interesting color-combinations for you this year. As usual, I over-thought it and worked pretty hard to put it together.

Remember, if you are having problems with the blog format, you can ALWAYS email me with your block photos and info.

I updated the FAQs post. If you have any new questions or suggestions, please add them as comments here or email me (and I’ll update the FAQ with the results to keep all the info in one easily findable place.)


Edited to add that I used some nervous energy tonight to add our most recent blocks to the left sidebar–it’s getting to be quite the long list. I also thought I’d mention the Illustrated History of the Block Lotto post that I put together about a year ago. If you’re newish to the lotto, you might want to see where we’ve been, what we’ve made and read about some of the lessons learned . . . there have been some in the 6 of the last 7 years that I’ve been doing this block lotto thing 😉


  1. Hi Sophie,
    I’m with you for the year unless something unforeseen happens! The stretch is enjoyable and the excitement of possibly winning each month keeps me going strong. This lotto has given me the opportunity to try some new things, like the paper piecing this month, and gives me great ideas for more quilts to make. That is, should I live long enough to use up all the fabric I have and make all the quilts crying out to be finished!

    When I read the history of how long you have been doing the lotto, I was really impressed with your dedication. It was interesting to see where the lotto has been. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Gail, I am impressed myself with how long there has been continuing interest in the lotto. I told myself I would keep going as long as there were people who wanted to play along and, of course, I also have learned alot and found some new blocks and colorways to fall in love with along the way. Some of the “regulars” (like Michelle, aka mom of 11) have been making blocks almost every month since the beginning.

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