Late mailing of Asian Stars

Posted by on October 28, 2009 in blocks | 3 comments

Ginny, Mary Jane & Laura,

I apologize for not mailing my asian star blocks yet.  I just came home today from a 2 week unexpected stay in the hospital.  I will try my best to get your blocks in the mail in the next couple of days. 

Thanks for understanding,


  1. So sorry you have not been well. I am not in a big hurry to make this top. You get better and then mail. Mary Jane

  2. Oh my, Jill, that does NOT sound good. I'm glad you are home now.

    Thanks for letting us know–I was getting a little worried when I didn't hear from you–now take good care of yourself. Of course we all DO understand.

  3. I'm very sorry you haven't been well. No need to rush getting my blocks mailed. Take your time and get well.

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