And the May Winners are…

Posted by on May 31, 2010 in Uncategorized | 7 comments

On this Memorial Day….the May winners for these fun reed blocks are….


Congratulations ladies. Can’t wait to see your beautiful projects!



  1. Congratulations, ladies. Expect email from me soon. I'll be asking you to let me know if you want to keep any or all of the blocks you made and to confirm your mailing addresses.

    Once I hear from all three winners, I'll prepare the distribution chart and send it out to everyone so we can get our blocks to them.

  2. well done winners! I'm very jealous, but then I suppose I can always make a quilt's worth for myself!

  3. Oh, WOW! I'm so excited to win these. Visions of reeds are dancing through my head. I'm thinking put them together and then applique on top………….. some tropical turquoise fish swimming through?……… flamingos wanding through?………..ideas, ideas. Thanks to all the participants. I'll be watching for squishies in my up north mailbox.

  4. Oops, 'wandering through'. What is wanding?

  5. Congratulations, ladies!

  6. Congrats, ladies. Just a little disappointed, but all the more eager to make 9 blocks for June to increase my chances!! Looking forward to seeing your creations.

  7. Boy, things are moving fast today. Congratulations Ladies! Keeping my jealousy under wraps.

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