The Month of May …
The month of May is flying by for me.
On Monday, I’ll be sending out the sneak peek email with advance information for the JUNE lotto block. If you have made and posted your blocks by noon (East Coast time) on Monday, you’ll be on the list for this mail.
2 of the 4 April winners have now received all their wonky shoo fly blocks. Yay! Thanks again to everyone for making this happen and getting the blocks to the winners in a timely fashion. In a little more than a week, it will be time to do it all over again 😉
Well I've started making blocks for this month – the cloth is as we speak in a lime dye bath. Well I'm hoping it's lime! I've done two batches, one with equal lemon yellow & turquoise and the other with half turquoise to lemon yellow just in case. Depending on how they come out I might overdye to get a richer colour. But I don't think I'll make the sneak peak list (again)…
I'm also hoping the foxcubs stay away from it, as the batches are outside taking advantage of the warm temperature to get a decent strike. We shall see…