Welcome Marilyn!
Marilyn is joining the Block Lotto from Dallas, Texas (howdy neighbor!) and here are her 9 basket blocks.
She was having some problems, so I’m posting her photo for her. And, while doing so, I noticed that Blogger has changed the interface to add photos … again. Look for the option to UPLOAD photos from your computer on the right, with the old photos that appear.
These blocks bring our total to 129 so far for June. We’re now 6 blocks away from the number needed for three winners.
Welcome Marilyn! I'm glad you joined. Beautiful baskets.
i like how each basket it different in size. lovely.
Welcome Marilyn! Looks like you're gonna fit right in; these blocks are gorgeous!!
Welcome! Your blocks look great!
The colors in your baskets are terrific – I especially like the green…