
Posted by on July 13, 2010 in blocks | 3 comments

Here are my two fireworks – pieced on my machine, for speed. I like these – would love to win this month, because I know my son would adore a quilt made out of them. 🙂

I’m a bit meh about the one on the right (the lines didn’t meet up at the final stage, despite my best efforts) but I love the blue one. Fingers crossed for this one!



  1. Meh? Really? I like it. I've added it to the list. Our total-so-far this month is now 136 blocks. They would make one pretty terrific Fireworks display … or maybe three separate ones on three quilts for the winners?

  2. I found it pretty tricky to get the lines to match up, and sometimes they did and sometimes they didn't, but I think they all look great anyway. I love your prints.

  3. I think the one on the right looks very Liberated! That's what we are going for, right?

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