Shelley’s Sparklers

Posted by on July 15, 2010 in Uncategorized | 3 comments

Here are my blocks for the month. I had to get them finished before next Wed. as I will have company the rest of the month….now to clean clean clean! 🙁

I also sent out my blocks to the June winners last Wed and haven’t heard that any have received them….Rho’s came back so those were resent on Monday. Let me know ladies!



  1. is this a concept of the quilt you are going to do. are these sewn? how did you sew down a quarter inch piece of cotton. you have skills!

  2. I like the way you changed up the width of the bars!

  3. I just used some strings I had on hand, so even the legs on a single bar aren't neccessarily the same width. This was a fun block…I'm getting better at this liberated thing!

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