Sneak Peek Saturday … Yes, Saturday
I think I can . . . I think I can . . . I think can make it happen today.
The sneak peek email with the advance information for the August block will be going out later today–so if you have made blocks but not posted the photo yet, it’s time to do that (or email them to me and I’ll post them for you).
For some reason I thought I had tomorrow to work on the directions . . . good thing I looked at a calendar to double check. Doh!
It’s no excuse, but I’m blaming the brain fog and broken body created by all the chemicals present in a freshly cleaned and painted apartment with new carpeting. I’m very slowly coming out of it. I just wish it weren’t so darn hot here so I could open some windows and doors and let the place air out so I could feel better sooner.
UPDATE: The Sneak Peek email has been sent. If you have made and posted blocks this month, you should have mail from me about the August block. If you do not, first check your spam folder and then let me know ASAP and I’ll try again.