Another rose

Posted by on August 4, 2010 in blocks | 7 comments

I corrected my rose this morning by adding 1.5 inch strips to each side as Sophie suggested!  I had fun with this technique and would like to donate my block to the next lucky winner!


  1. That works perfectly for me … what did you think? I'll add it to the list with a note that you're donating the chance (thanks). Our new total-so-far is 44 blocks-almost four dozen roses.

  2. I like the technique and I think it looks fine. I might make a different version I have in mind for me – big shock! It's tough with college starting soon so I don't want necessarily to "win" and be looking at more ufo's! So, we'll see what I do for future blocks.

    I do love that these blocks force me out of my comfort zone!

  3. It looks great, glad you finally worked it out!

  4. I think it looks great…and I love the fabrics. Janet S

  5. Oh I love this one!!

  6. This is a very pretty rose!

  7. Thanks!

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