Rose woes
I have very nearly finished a rose block. The rose turned out well enough, it was a first attempt and I can see how you could really get into a rhythm making these. But my goodness! adding the green is going to make me crazy. How imperative is it that the edges be on the straight grain, I think that is what is making it difficult for me. Or maybe I am missing something…
On the upside, it feels like Christmas every time the mailman comes- thank you all for sending off your blocks so quickly. I have been putting them up on my design wall as they arrive and they are going to make a gorgeous quilt!
Linda, putting the edges on straight of grain is a "nice to have" and in no way a requirement. I'm diligent (some would say anal or obsessive 😉 about doing the same thing when I foundation piece blocks, too … but you definitely do NOT have to share my particular craziness.