Another Newbie

Posted by on January 11, 2011 in blocks | 3 comments

Hello from Ireland! My name is Cathi, an American living in the Wild West of Ireland… I’ve know fellow block lotto member, Kate North for many many years and she has been encouraging me to join. I’m glad I decided to join in this year and had a lot of fun making these blocks… Here are my 9 entries for the block lotto!

My blog is updated not as often as it should be, but you can find it here


  1. How great to have another joining the fun. Welcome. Kathie L in Allentown

  2. Welcome to the block lotto.

    Cathi, I am so glad Kate twisted your arm and brought you here–it happens like that more than you know 😉

    Your blocks are beautiful. I've added them to the list.

  3. Nice to see you here finally, Cathi 🙂 Great blocks. Maybe you'll have "newbie luck" and win this month!

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