Two D4P blocks
I have been a bit overworked and under the weather for the last few weeks, but have managed toady to make my first two D4P blocks. I really enjoyed making them, and have made two baby blocks too, from half size left overs which will become a fabric postcard to post to oldest daughter at Uni.
I would like to donate these blocks
I've added your blocks to the list with the note you're generously donating your chances. We now have a total-so-far of 250 D4P blocks this month.
I love your itty bitty block–it will be great on a postcard. Wouldn't a small D4P block also make a great pincushion?
I L*O*V*E that little block! I am a big fan of "policing my brass" when it comes to scraps but now I know what to do with this minuscule end bits!
I love your baby block! Super work.
great baby block 😉
small pincushion ………. mmmm great idea 😉
Oh now I have to choose. The pin cushion idea is great, and she doesn't have one