Ten from me

Posted by on April 2, 2011 in Uncategorized | 4 comments

Here are my 10 blocks for April including the 4 I sent through from the Sneak Peak. I started playing with the layout and discovered this one – it obscures the blossom motif but I like the pattern that has emerged. Laurina


  1. I planned to pull out my blocks and play with this layout … but distracted by another project 😉

    I've added your blocks to the list.

  2. What a terrific layout! These don't look like blossoms but the result is very spring-like. Looks great. 🙂

  3. Your layout is the best! If I win I'll just have to use it.

  4. I like it, too, esp the clusters of color amid the *neutral* background – like flowers in earliest spring.

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