Pretty little violets

Posted by on August 22, 2011 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Hello Everyone! Alas, I found a little time to finish the other blocks for this month. Here’s the nine I made. I really love these colors. Keeping my fingers crossed that maybe I’ll get lucky and win some of these pretties.

Block Lotto August Violets

School starts for my kiddos tomorrow. I’ve got a daughter who is a 10th grader and a son in the 8th grade. I can’t believe how much they’ve grown in the blink of an eye. I remember taking pictures of the first day of school when they were younger. Now I’m lucky if I get a picture at all! 🙂

Blessings from Texas – – – Have a great week! Nancy D.


  1. My kids took a sack lunch even in hi school and on their last day ofschool I took a photo of the lunch sack for posterity!

  2. Enjoy your quiet house tomorrow 😉

    I've updated your blocks on the list. They look pretty nice on point, too, don't they? I don't think I would have considered setting them that way … until I saw your photo. Thanks for the inspiration.

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