Mod Mod QAL – Definitely NOT Low Volume but very LOUD.

Posted by on March 2, 2014 in my sampler | 4 comments

qalmodr1p2 qalmodr2p4 qalmodr3p3 qalmodr4p1

I made the star chain blocks for my MOD MOD QAL queen-sized quilt.   Blocks are all made from scraps in complementary colors.  If the block takes more than 2 colors then I’m using black for a third color.

I don’t have a design wall so pinned a paper to the modules to designate row and column placement of modules in the overall quilt so I don’t forget what I’m doing as months go by.  (Well, I might just forget anyway and wonder what those papers mean).

Cathy L in IA

Sane, Crazy, Crumby Quilting



  1. Those blocks make me smile!

  2. No shrinking violets in this bunch! Very cheery modules.

  3. Psychedelic! but I like ém.

  4. what a strong quilt o many colors.

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