Year-end House Cleaning

Posted by on December 4, 2006 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Year-end House Cleaning

As I mentioned on the Quilting Forum, as part of wrapping up this round of the Block Lotto, I’m moving most of the block photos from my webspace on Comcast to Flickr. It was because I was running out of webspace last Spring, that I made the switch with the Grandmother’s Choice blocks in May.

For my personal wrapping up, I’ve picked up my sampler quilt project and made some progress. You can see photos of my plan for alternative blocks and the 2-steps-forward-1-step-back kind of progress I’ve been making on the blocks as I create, reject, rework them to visit my vision for an old-fashioned quilt on my sophie junction blog.

One more task planned for this month is looming large … I’ll be moving this blog to the Beta Blogger format. I have been stuck in a blogger catch-22 until today. I was a member of a team blog (for a knitting project I was working on a year ago). You can’t yet move team blogs to Beta Blogger, so if you’re in one, you don’t see the option. The team blog has been dead since March. Until today, I wasn’t getting any response from the email requests from the team blog owner owner–the only person who could remove me. Now, all I have to do is leap and trust that the net will appear (and nothing bad will happen to all these blog posts and photos … ) Cross your fingers for me.

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