Scrappy Heart Settings
We’ve been talking about setting ideas for the scrappy heart blocks on the forum. A suggestion Christine made in another discussion, inspired me to try using the Disappearing 9-Patch as a setting. Pat liked it and tried one of her own (on the right).
Pat also found another setting idea in Marcia’s block, Squares within Squares 2, on the Quilters Cache site. The scrappy heart block is exactly the right size to substitute for the fabric in the center.
Janet Wickell provided directions for our block and a quilt with a more traditional setting and borders. You can see Deb’s finished quilt in her kodak gallery album, here. While you’re there, check out the next quilt in the slide show, which uses the heart blocks in combination with other blocks and photo transfers.
Perhaps this month’s winners will be inspired by one of these ideas . . . or will inspire us with a setting idea of their own.