Block Lotto at a Glance

Posted by on March 2, 2009 in blocks | 2 comments

I’ve created two new gadgets and added them to the left sidebar.

At the top, the Block Lotto at a Glance has common links that we use a lot, like the guidelines, FAQs, tips for mailing blocks and posting photos and also the links for finding the info for this month’s blocks and all the posts with the block photos–those last two will be updated monthly.

Under that is the list with everyone’s blocks that will be updated as they are posted . . . a little different than before, but pretty much the same.


  1. This is pretty good. There is no way we can link to this in order to see the new posts?

  2. The best way to see new posts and new comments is to use the subscribe feature at the upper left.

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