Sophie’s Flock of Jeweled Geese Blocks

Posted by on March 8, 2009 in blocks | 6 comments

I got a little carried away as I was distracting myself from my call-back on my mammogram and another medical appointment I have this week . . .

Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #30 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #9 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #12 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #3
Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #5 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #16 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #7 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #14
Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #8 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #19 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #2 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #13
Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #15 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #10 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #17 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #4
Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #6 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #1 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #28 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #23
Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #25 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #20 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #27 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #22
Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #18 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #29 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #24 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #11
Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #21 Sophie's Jeweled Geese Block #26

. . . and thirty blocks later, here’s the result. The flash washed out the color a little; I couldn’t wait for daylight to share 😉

I used the no-waste geese method for most of these and, as I promised, I used several no-longer available favorite fabrics from my stash. I hope the winners will enjoy them. That Patricia Campbell red rose print is especially precious to me. (Remember, you can click any of the block images to get a larger version if you want to check them out).

I’ll be donating my 9 chances to any newbies that join this month (or, if we don’t attract any newbies, anyone who hasn’t yet won a lotto) and adding the 21 extra blocks to sweeten the pot and help us get to a two winner month . . . at least 😉

Our new total for the month so far is 83 blocks.


  1. Wonderful colours,I have not yet won a lotto and I LOVE this block. HOPE HOPE HOPE !

  2. Hi Sophie! I made geese but I can’t figure out how to post to the blog. I can’t seem to get myself in as a blog author. I’ve read your directions and tried everything I can think of, but I’ve only got your blog listed as a “reading” blog and I think that’s the trouble. Can you email me any ideas how to get onto the site? I’m at
    Thanks! Ginny
    If you send me your email address (again!) I could always email them to you and you could post them for me.

  3. Who is the designer and maker of the shimmery fabric you used? Was it Patrick Loose, or just some you bought while in AZ? I really would like to order some and make a fg quilt especially using your now waste method, it is so easy to use! But I still want to WIN this month!

  4. The two greens are Patrick Lose Mixmasters-Satinesque for Robert Kaufman Fabrics. Are those the “shimmery” fabrics you mean?

  5. Hi Sophie! I just reread your post and wanted to check in on your reference to a mammogram. Did everything check out OK? I’ve got my fingers crossed for you. I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 41, and the treatment was a drag, but I’m 48 and healthy now and feeling great. But I jump WAY ahead. Hope you’ve heard only good news!

  6. Hi Ginny. Yes, I did get an all clear after my return trip. I blogged about it on my personal blog, but forgot to post a note over here.

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