Posted by on June 15, 2009 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

hi everybody I have today posted my May blocks to the lucky winners I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody for the kind words and gifts i received after the sudden loss of our daughter Hopeing to get back to my sewing very soon and once again take part in the lotto

Thank you all
Sylvia in Redcar


  1. Sylvia, so sorry to hear of your daughter's death, do you have grandchildren you need to help with?. Hard to imagine, my DDs are about her age also.
    Your lovely blocks arrived today and what a neat gift for my birthday. Thanks again. I am donating my chances to you this month, but I think my baskets are the best.
    Take care, Kathy in (rainy) Colorado

  2. Hi Kathy Thank you for your very nice comments ,we do have grand children Steph has two and the age of them is Milly 12 years And Chester 7 years We do not live very close to them in fact it is about 15miles away so the rest of the family who live closer are taking them out and about but i must say thay are couping very well I think next month is going to be a struggle as it is Chesters Birthday and Steph had arranged a Birthday party for him Paul her husband was going to cancle it but i think we have talked him into letting it go ahead
    Thank you once again and look forward to hearing from you again

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