Michelle’s 9 for June

Posted by on June 6, 2011 in blocks | 1 comment

After missing out on May ‘s lotto due to lack of time, I decided to get June’s blocks done early. I had some time alone in a quiet house yesterday, so I started digging through the mess I call a sewing room and found green, blue, and purple fabrics. The finding and cutting took an hour or two, but the sewing and pressing of these blocks took less than 15 minutes. After playing with them a bit I decided I will have to make a quilt using this block. I have 4 fabrics selected and later today, or maybe tomorrow I want to get it done and see just how fast I can finish a 42 x 54 quilt top. As a bonus, I also cleaned off my cutting table…which will make cutting much easier!

1 Comment

  1. Nice blocks … and a clean cutting table is a bonus! I was just looking at mine and thinking, "it's time to clean this up, put things away and enjoy have a big clear surface to work on …

    I've added your blocks to the list.

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