Nine Blocks from a Newbie

Posted by on June 22, 2011 in blocks | 4 comments

Hi Everyone! My name is Karen.  I have been sewing since I was very young and first learned to quilt about 7 years ago.  After a bit of a break, I started quilting profusely about 2 1/2 years ago and shortly thereafter started blogging at Badlands Quilts.  My blog is named for the North Dakota Badlands that I grew up near, but I am now a SAHM in the Minneapolis burbs. 
I look forward to meeting all of you and trying the fun and different blocks each month. 


  1. Welcome Karen! I love your blocks. I've added them to the list. Our total-so-far this month is now 318 rectangle blocks … enough for SEVEN WINNERS.

  2. Ps. There was something wonky going on with the link to your blog, so I fixed it–wouldn't want anyone to miss out on your Minnesota Quilt Show photos. I also added it to the blog roll and the blog updates in the side bar.

  3. Welcome to the group Karen – those are some very pretty fabrics you've use.

  4. Welcome-Welcome!!!

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