What’s NEW (from YOU)

Posted by on June 8, 2011 in Uncategorized | 8 comments

There’s something new in the right sidebar (near the bottom): our blog updates.

This differs from the Blogroll page in a couple of ways:

  • The list is ordered by the date of the most recent update, instead of alphabetically by the blog name
  • The list includes a thumbnail image (if there is one), the title of the latest blog post and how long ago it was posted
  • By default, the 25 latest updates are displayed.  There’s a link at the bottom to display the entire list and everyone’s latest blog post

It’s kind of fun to scroll through and see what everyone’s been blogging about in the last day or so.

I will continue to maintain the blogroll page because it’s a complete list at a glance and is accessible from smart phones–the stuff in the sidebars is not displayed in the mobile template.

Let me know what you think and especially if you have a slower network connection and you notice that the blog is now taking significantly longer to load.

Also let me know if I’ve missed your blog and you’d like it to be added to the list.  Remember you must make lotto blocks during the year to be included in the blogroll (and the new list).


  1. What a good idea – makes it easier to see who has posted recently without going through all the blogs on blogroll. It works fine on my computer.

  2. Great idea!
    love looking at what others are doing 😉

  3. Until I created the bloglist, I thought I was following everyone in googlereader, but I noticed some images and blog articles that I knew I hadn't seen before.

  4. You missed me… I understand though I am not around all of the time.. oh and my blog address has changed since March too 🙂

  5. Jewel, I have So Jewely on the list for you. What's the new blog URL?

  6. Ok, Jewel, So Jewely is out and The Intrepid Thread is in. Thanks for the update. You're all set.

  7. I love it! No slowing of loading, either. Thanks for keeping the Blog Roll, too.

  8. I like it. I like it a lot!

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