Looking Ahead – Fabrics for May

Posted by on April 24, 2015 in block lotto community | Comments Off on Looking Ahead – Fabrics for May

I meant to include a note in yesterday’s sneak peek post about fabrics we’ll be using in May, for those that like to plan ahead.

For next month’s blocks, I’m giving you a palette of four possible colors–white, yellow/gold, purple and gray–and asking you to pick three of the four for each of your blocks. The fabrics can be solids, tone-on-tone prints or multicolor prints that only contain white, yellow/gold, purple or gray.

The placement of the three fabrics in the block will depend on their value.  Here are some of the fabrics I pulled from my stash as candidates for my blocks.  Can you see that, while if I use white, it will always be the light, the other colors could possibly be used as the light, medium or dark?  I’m showing you how they look in black & white, too … which is always a good sanity check for checking value.

Light, Medium and Dark fabrics in yellow/gold, gray and purple    PossibleFabrics-BW

It looks like the darkest gold would only work as a dark when combined with white and a light gray or purple … but I might try that just to see how it turns out …



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