How Can I Improve the Mailing Info?

Posted by on May 10, 2015 in block lotto community | 3 comments

wrong-wayOnce again, some lotto blocks have arrived at the wrong destination … and I have to wonder if there a better way to organize the mailing info I email to everyone each month?

Given that sending out personal messages to everyone who participates would be too time-consuming and prone to more errors (by me), I’d appreciate your ideas on how the mailing info could be better, more clear, etc … leave a comment with your ideas (or email me, if you’re more comfortable with that.)

FYI, fortunately, in this case, the error happened early enough that a couple of us that have not yet mailed can send our blocks where those wayward blocks were supposed to go.


  1. oye….I hope it wasn’t me! I try to triple check before I mail.


  2. maybe colour code the winners, then assign the same colour fill to the blocks column ?

  3. Sophie, I have made the colour coding suggestion on the assumption that you use a spreadsheet to collate your information 🙂 it is very easy to apply a cololured ‘fill’ to the required cells 🙂

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