My Strips are Finally in the Mail … Are Yours?

Posted by on January 19, 2016 in sent and received | Comments Off on My Strips are Finally in the Mail … Are Yours?

I suspect I am the last to mail the December lotto blocks … but if I’m not, please make it a priority to get your December lotto blocks in the mail this week.

I was headed to the post office a little over a week ago when my car died.  It’s an ancient vehicle and the cost to repair it is probably not worth it … but while I figure out what I’m going to do about it, I am a pedestrian.

SringoRoadThe post office isn’t far from my house, but I still waiting until the temperatures climbed up to something above freezing … which meant I didn’t go last week.

Yesterday was a federal holiday in the US and so today was the day.

This afternoon was bright and sunny and 42 degrees … about as good as it gets in winter here.  The red stuff you see on the road is what they use when it’s icy around here.

I was surprised at how many of my neighbors have big ferocious, territorial dogs–no wonder the neighborhood cats like to hang out in my yard and on my roof.

LongLineUSPSWhen I got to the post office, I picked up my mail and encountered this.  The walk to the post office was a little less than 20 minutes one way; the wait in line was nearly twice that–almost 40 minutes (a new high) … and the guy in line behind me reeked so badly of cigarette smoke, I thought I was going to be sick.

By the time I left the post office, clouds had rolled in and it was cold and gray. I decided to walk a different way home–more commercial, less residential (and no dogs).  It felt a little shorter/quicker, maybe because it was less uphill and more downhill for the trip home.

Walking2PostOfficeLater, I pulled up my route to see how far it actually was … and noticed a path that would have been a lot shorter, through the small streets that I didn’t realize went through … I’ll check it out the next time I take a walk to the post office or the grocery store. After being hit by a car a little over a year ago, putting up with the neighborhood dogs may  be better for me than worrying about being hit again by a distracted driver.

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