More Blocks from Sandy

Posted by on March 20, 2008 in blocks | Comments Off on More Blocks from Sandy

Sandy (centergranny) wanted to help push us past the 4-winner mark and made these extra 8 blocks. (There are some repeated fabrics, but they will go to different winners).

Thank you, Sandy.

Our new total so far this month is 184 blocks, enough for four winners. The first three names drawn will win a set of 48 blocks; the last name drawn will win at least 40 blocks.

March has become the highest month in 2008 so far and the third highest month ever. Before this month, the top three months have been:

  1. January 2007 – 244 double 4-patches
  2. March 2007 – 210 I-spy snowballs
  3. February 2008 – 174 scrappy hearts

Did you know . . . before last year, we never made it to 100 blocks in a single month?

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