
Sad to see it go.

Posted by on February 8, 2020 in blocks | Comments Off on Sad to see it go.

Hi ladies, I was a part of the Block Lotto several years ago, but dropped out because of a lack of time to sew with 4 kids. I was ready to start back in this year when I saw the Block Lotto hosted here was ending. I found a similar Facebook group to join and thought I’d post the info get in case anyone else was interested: Sophie, thanks for hosting the block Lotto as long as you did! Ellie

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Thanks Margaret for last Hourglass

Posted by on January 28, 2020 in sent and received | Comments Off on Thanks Margaret for last Hourglass

My last Hourglass blocks arrived from Australia today. Thank you Margaret, they look terrific. I’m looking forward to putting these together. There are so many setting possibilities. A final thanks to all the Block Lotto participants in 2019 and prior years. It’s been great fun.

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Hourglasses from many today

Posted by on January 13, 2020 in sent and received | Comments Off on Hourglasses from many today

Thanks to Carol, Karen, and Peggy for the hourglass blocks that arrived today. I love them all. Your notes say how much you will miss Block Lotto, as will I. But the many nice quilts I’ve made for myself and others remind me of what fun we had. Kathie L. Allentown, PA

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Hourglasses from Nann and Robin

Posted by on January 12, 2020 in sent and received | Comments Off on Hourglasses from Nann and Robin

The hourglasses from Nann and Robin arrived this week. Thanks so much. I love the fabric choices. Kathie

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Time Travel

Posted by on January 12, 2020 in blocks, sent and received | Comments Off on Time Travel

My three Hourglass blocks were taken to the post office on Wednesday, and should take a week or two to arrive. I am sad to see the end of Block Lotto, but understand Sophie’s decision. I am grateful to her for stretching my skills, and wish to thank to all the other participants. I loved seeing your fabric choices in your blocks. It was fun to win blocks, and exciting to get them in the mail. I have found, and read avidly, some of your blogs. My blog (which is very quiet at the moment) is...

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Hour Glass Blocks

Posted by on January 7, 2020 in sent and received | Comments Off on Hour Glass Blocks

I sent hour glass blocks of to Cathy and Kathie today. I believe I sent blocks to Kathie the first month I participated many years ago. I lived in New Jersey then not far from where she lives. Now I am in GA. Sad to see this end. Enjoy your quilting everyone.

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4 hours for Cathy

Posted by on January 5, 2020 in sent and received | Comments Off on 4 hours for Cathy

Wouldn’t it be nice to give a few hours to someone? I’ve posted 4 hourglass blocks to Cathy L. in IA. They should arrive Tues. or Wed. Happy Sewing Time in the New Year to all Block Lotto people. It’s been fun!

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Mailed blocks

Posted by on January 4, 2020 in blocks | 1 comment

My 2 blocks are in the mail to Kathie L. Wondering if someone might be up to starting this group on Facebook or is that not a good idea. Just putting it out there. My blog addy is : if anyone wants to check it out. My email is: Keep on quilting, :)Carol M.

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Blocks mailed

Posted by on January 4, 2020 in blocks | Comments Off on Blocks mailed

I sent blocks east to Kathie and west to Cathy. The postmistress said they should arrive Tuesday.

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December Mailing Information

Posted by on January 3, 2020 in blocks | Comments Off on December Mailing Information

The mailing information for the December Hourglass blocks was emailed to everyone this afternoon. If you didn’t get it, be sure to check your spam folder first, then let me know if you didn’t get it. Prompt mailings are appreciated!

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