December Mailing Information

The mailing information for the December Hourglass blocks was emailed to everyone this afternoon. If you didn’t get it, be sure to check your spam folder first, then let me know if you didn’t get it. Prompt mailings are appreciated!

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Attention Everyone!

Sorry, but I have a couple housekeeping items to clear up before I can send out the mailing information for the December Hourglass Blocks. First, Jude, please send me your mailing address (city, state only) and your email addy so I can complete my records. My email is: catkiz(at)Xmission(dot)com. Don’t forget that ‘X’ before “mission” – Xmission is shorthand for transmission. 🙂 I come up with a different block total than Nann did, and...

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Hourglass Blocks from Vivi

Hourglass Blocks from Vivi

Vivi Heine-Hansen in Norway is unable to post her blocks, so I am posting them here for her. Here are her two lovely Hourglass blocks for the drawing. Have a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays)...

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November Winners of Evening Sunset Blocks

The numbers selected by the Random Number Generator corresponded with the blocks submitted by the following two makers: Peggy M and Pat K. Congratulations, ladies! I’m preparing the mailing list and information, and will have that emailed out to everyone by tomorrow at the latest. If you don’t receive it in a timely manner, please check your spam folder and then contact me in case I goof up and forget someone. (not like I’ve...

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Before We Draw for November Winner…

Here is a list of the Evening Sunset blocks that were made in November, according to my records. Please check that the number beside your name is correct. The letter “D” following the number indicates that the blocks are for donation. I’m also listing any information I need from you which can be emailed to me, Cathy Kizerian, here: catkiz(at)Xmission(dot)com Karen B – 6 (D) Pat Kk – 9 (please send me your name,...

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October Winners – Maple Leaf Block

We are a day late on announcing the winners because Nann and I have been talking back and forth. Although October was Nann’s month to assign the block and handle the tutorial and count, she wanted to be eligible as a winner. So, in addition to preparing the November block announcement (see yesterday’s post), I’ve also handled the drawing by Random Number Generator (RNG) and will have the mailing list out for October (next...

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November Block – Evening Sunset

Our block for November is an easy one, and one that I hope you will enjoy. I’ve seen it done as a block in a 100-block challenge, but I don’t believe it has an official name. For our purposes, we’re calling it Evening Sunset because of the colors we’ll be using. The link to the pdf directions is below. Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks, Cathy K email: catkiz(at)Xmission(dot)com BLOCK LOTTO Nov...

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Attention All – I need your info!

Nann and I have been running the Block Lotto for about 3 months, but we do not have access to the “back end” of the site, which contains personal addresses, emails, etc. So we’ve been relying on what information we’ve collected ourselves over the last year or so – and that is, understandably, very incomplete. With that in mind, I need the following information so that once Nann draws this month’s winners, I...

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