Sophie’s Thrifty Blocks from Scraps

Posted by on March 31, 2009 in blocks | Comments Off on Sophie’s Thrifty Blocks from Scraps

In the sneek peek email I sent a week ago, I shared this photo of the small scraps I pulled to use to make blocks this month–that’s a very close shot . . . those scraps truly weren’t very large.

Fabric Scraps I used to make blocks

. . . and here are the fifteen blocks I was able to make from them.

Pink + Black + White Pink + Black + White Pink + Black & White + White
Pink + Black + Black & White Thrifty block #15 Thrifty block #14
Thrifty block #6 Thrifty block #12 Thrifty block #11
Thrifty block #10 Thrifty block #8 Thrifty block #9
Thrifty block #5 Thrifty block #7 Thrifty block #13

That’s nine chances to donate to any newbies who join us (or anyone who hasn’t yet won a set of lotto blocks) and six more blocks to sweeten the lotto this month đŸ˜‰

And with some smaller pink pieces, I made some scrappy thrifty blocks for a little “feather your own nest” project for myself . . . that I hope to share soon . . . stay tuned.

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