Ah Memories . . .

Posted by on May 3, 2009 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Ah Memories . . .

When Sharon posted the photos of her beautiful quilt made from 16-patch lotto blocks, I kept thinking of another, very different looking 16-patch quilt that I remembered Kate working on. I had some problems finding it and finally had to ask for some help from the quiltmaker/blogger, Kate, herself.

I mis-remembered that these 16-patch blocks were also from the block lotto . . . and when I was looking for the photo of Kate’s quilt, I even went back and looked at the 2008 spreadsheet and saw that she was NOT one of the 4 winners of those lotto blocks in April 2008. I was really confused and questioning my memory of things.

Kate reminded me that the 16-patch blocks in her quilt are larger 8 inch, scrap buster blocks from a swap which, as I remember now, actually inspired my choice of that block for the lotto. So, even though they aren’t the same, there’s definitely a connection.

I think both Kate’s black-on-black pieced sashing and borders and Sharon’s blue and white Chicklet’s quilt are wonderful setting ideas for the scrappy 16-patch blocks, don’t you agree?

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