The (overdue) Sneak Peek has been MAILED

Posted by on June 24, 2009 in blocks | Comments Off on The (overdue) Sneak Peek has been MAILED

I’m sorry for the delay everyone.

If your name is on the list in the right side bar, you should have received sneak peek email from me this morning. If not, please let me know ASAP.

If you have entered blocks this month and your name hasn’t been added to the list, also please let me know ASAP.

Thanks and also thanks for understanding while I struggle with my current dose of LIFE. I hope all the sneak peekers think the wait was worth it. I’m really excited about July block . . . tease, tease, tease 😉

. . . speaking of delays, last month’s winners should also have received email from me because I discovered last night that the stamped envelopes with their blocks were sitting on the table next to my door (oops.) They will be going out with me, the next time I venture out into the heat and bad air we are currently “enjoying” in Dallas.

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