Friday’s Sneak Peek Email
The timing of tomorrow’s sneak peek email message may be a bit screw-ball because–in case you haven’t read about it on my blog, sophie junction–I have started a new job.
For the next month and a half or so, my hours are going to be a lot different than what I signed up for and, unfortunately, pretty BAD for the noon deadlines timing of the lotto . . . sorry everyone. If you can be flexible with me for a few months, I think we can get back on track soon enough.
So, you’ll either be seeing an early email (with catch-up messages for anyone who posts last minute blocks after I send the early message) or a late sneak peek email tomorrow . . . IF you have made and entered blocks this month. Either way, don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten 😉
Which prompts me to ask everyone who HAS made blocks this mont, PLEASE double check for me and make sure that your name is on the list in the right sidebar of our blog: if it is not, I goofed and need to add you, to make sure that you receive the sneak peek email and, even more importantly, make sure you are included in the drawing at the end of the month.
Next month’s block is a popular classic on a couple of levels . . . I’m already looking forward to seeing your reaction 😉