TicTacToe Winnings – Quilt Plan
I’ve never done anything this big, so I thought I’d plan it out on paper. I want to make a quilt for my bed to protect my embroidered duvets from excited cat claws at breakfast time…. I’m just going to have the blocks on top and a backing with no batting filling so it’ll be good for all seasons.
My bed is 60″ wide and 78″ long, so I reckon a drop on the sides of 12″ each and 6″ at the end (as it’s got a footboard) and 20″ at the head so it can be tucked under and go over the large square pillows I have – gives me around 84″ wide and 104″ long.
I think I’ve won 48 blocks, so I need to make another 15 if I have 7 blocks across and 9 down because their finished sizes are 8″, with 2″ sashing in between and surrounding them and a 4″ border (I think it’s pianokeys but could be wrong), then maybe another 2″ sashing then a 1″ binding. I’m not sure I’m using the right words.
The plan only covers 2/3 of the length with full width (I couldn’t find the sellotape to extend it):