Let’s Blog About Spring (or Fall)

Posted by on March 1, 2014 in block lotto community, Linky Party | Comments Off on Let’s Blog About Spring (or Fall)

As soon as I see March on the horizon, I start thinking about the arrival of Spring. And Spring makes me think about wildflowers blooming, fresh asparagus, packing away my wool sweaters and unpacking linen and silk clothing, gardening and new inspiration for quilts.

I put together this mosaic of images from Flickr of some of the things I think of, when I think Spring.


1. Spring Fantasy, 2. Sure sign of Spring – Robin – Bird, 3. Asparagus, 4. Asparagus Soup, 5. IMG_1828, 6. BEE, 7. Stonnington Spring Fashion Runway 2010 _ Alannah Hill _ IMG_6425, 8. Bloom where you are planted, 9. Blue Bonnets & Firewheels

Blog about the upcoming new season–Spring for most of us, Fall for some of us–and add your link in the Linky Tool below.



  1. Spring | Desertsky Quilting - […] posted the topic for monthly blog links on our Block Lotto […]
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