Tall Ship

I have been away for a week on a National Scout Jamboree and when I came home there was Tall Ships from Debbie M, Kathy S, Mary Jane and Melissa. All blocks are so loveley and I really am looking forward to use them in quilts. Last time I won I made one quilt, but this time I think I will make several. Vivi

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Two blocks in the mail from London to the winner in UK. Sorry I can’t remember the name. I had a short trip to London to visit the Kaffe Fassett exebition at the Textile Museum. Loved it.

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Star-crossed Blocks

Star-crossed Blocks

2012 has been my year of UFOs. A Quiltshop have had this “lotto” that if I managed to finnish my own ufo-set-dates, the prize was 1 m fabric of my own choice. My last ufos were finneshed on Dec 29th. All together I have finnished about 9 ufos. So now, if I do not miss the time, I have 3 blocks for the December BlockLotto. Should I be too late I hope I can donate these block. It has been a while; I had forgotten my password and my...

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