Some Block Lotto Housekeeping Notices
The sneak peek was emailed earlier today to the twenty people who have made blocks so far this month. If you’re on the list and didn’t receive the mail from me OR if you have made blocks and should be on the list but aren’t, please let me know ASAP.
If you are donating your chances this month or are a past winner and haven’t made basket blocks and would be willing to be our winner picker next Wednesday, let me know. It’s easy and at least three (maybe four) people (the winners and me) will be very grateful.
Because blogger limits the number of authors per blog, I’m going to do some housekeeping in July and remove anyone who has not yet made blocks in 2010. It looks like there are only 10 people who fall into that category. Since the pattern information is published each month, there’s no real advantage to becoming an author if you aren’t actually planing to make and enter the blocks. It’s no big deal to add anyone back in if they decide to play later, but I don’t want to end up with no open slots for anyone who genuinely has the time and inclination to make blocks for the lotto and play along.