Future of Blocklotto.Com
I’ve been receiving emails which have told me (repeatedly!) that *I* need to say something about the future of the Block Lotto. Honestly, I thought I already did say something last summer when I said that I would not be doing this anymore and it was time for me to do something different.
I appreciate that there are those that would like to keep going–but as Cathy and Nann have let me (but maybe not you?) know–they will not be continuing to produce and manage the monthly activity … and have let me know that *I* need to say something (again).
If anyone else in the group would like to step up and take it on, I am happy to help and advise, but know that I have very limited time. As the core group of block lotto players has shrunk, my recommendation would be to move BACK to a free Blog platform. If you were around or have read the history, You might remember the driver for moving to this website was that we had more than 100 authors regularly posting blocks, more than our original blog (on blogger) would support. I don’t believe that is still the case.
As I said back in July, I have plans to do something different and this blog will soon cease to continue–I put it off until the end of the year and continued to financially support the site, so you would have time to transition. I *do* plan to maintain the gallery of wonderful quilts made from lotto blocks. And, I also plan to continue to provide some quilt content … along with other things that interest me. That said, it won’t be just a quilting blog, it won’t be a group blog, and while I’d be happy to support and promote such an effort–should someone want to continue–it won’t be the home for the monthly block lotto,
Twelve more days in August
Is anyone sewing? Four of us have made 18 State Fair blocks. We welcome more!
A setting idea …
This quilt uses 50 Modified T blocks, set on point. It’s been in my head for a while and tonight I found time to create a quick version.

I just heard from a neighbor Block Lotto member that I made a mistake on my purple blocks, reversing the positions of the corner squares. I have corrected the blocks, but taking a new picture and posting it is beyond my capability tonight.
April blocks
3Twin Sister blocks in the mail from Norway to Canada.
Coloring Sheet
This is a two-for post: a coloring sheet for anyone who wants to play with quilt layout ideas for this month’s blocks, also a test post because someone was getting an error when they tried to upload an image

Here’s the link to a printable coloring page (PDF) – Modified T Quilt Coloring Page
March Mailing Info has been sent
If you are one of the 25 quilters who made and posted Wings of Spring blocks in March, you should have received email from me with the mailing info.
If you didn’t receive it or found a mistake on the mailing info sheet, please let me know ASAP. Mistakes happen and I am human.
Here’s one of my ideas for using Nann’s block, adding some plain background squares in a random arrangement. I called it Kaleidoscope–the name for a bunch of butterflies. This quilt would be 60 x 72 inches.

Block Lotto Catch-up
First, THANK YOU NANN for taking control of the Block Lotto for March. I love the Wings of Spring block.
Because of some upcoming changes in my life, I am looking for a volunteer to lead the block lotto in April–do you have a 6-inch block idea that you think would be great for us? Let me know.
Last, for those who are wondering where the mailing info for the February Alternate 9-Patch blocks … I am working on it. The winners have email from me and as soon as I hear back from both of them, I’ll be able to finish up the mailing info and send it to the 20 quilters who made blocks last month.
Did you see Plaid?
When I saw Nann’s 9 blocks together, I saw plaid … and thought how you could sew up 48 of this month’s blocks into a cool, gender neutral throw like this.

I added a 1 1/2 inch light inner border and a 4.5 inch very dark outer border for a quilt that would measure 48 x 60 inches.