December Sneak Peek is TODAY
If you have made mug/cup blocks and posted them, you will be receiving the sneak peek email with advance information about the December block later today. If you have made blocks but not yet posted them … if you do so before the email is sent, you will be included (Kate, I’m looking at you.)
I’m experiencing some technical challenges–the batteries died on my wireless mouse and I don’t want to brave all the Black Friday shoppers to go buy replacements–and it’s slowing me down a bit, but putting together the directions and sending the email if my priority today.
If you have chosen to Sew rather than Shop or Something else today and want to start thinking fabrics, you’ll need three fabrics for the December block, in colors/patterns of your choice, but they must have different values (relative to one another), one LIGHT, one DARK and one MEDIUM.