X and Plus Equals … November Block

Posted by on November 1, 2015 in housekeeping | Comments Off on X and Plus Equals … November Block

Lauren's BlockThis is one of those blocks that have been floating around the blogiverse for a while. To create a 9-inch version, I redrew it with proportions to make it easy to measure and cut.

Laurina made this one.

The fabric guidelines and my directions for making this block can be found here:

X and Plus Block Pattern

The block directions give you options for how you cut and construct the Plus and the X. One of the options for the X-units is to use this X-unit Template


You may make a maximum of 9 blocks for chances in the drawing at the end of the month. The target set size for the winners will be 48 blocks.


Fabric Guidelines


This block is made from 4 fabrics–two are quilter’s choice and there are color rules for the other two.

Start by choosing two fabrics–one for your X and the other for the Plus. These will be the dominant fabrics in the block. Both fabrics are quilter’s choice.  You decide how they coordinate or contrast.

The other two fabrics are essentially “background”–one for the Plus units and one for the X–we’ll call them black and white:

Black – can be a solid black, a black-on-black (BOB) print or a black and white (BW) print that is predominately black.

White – can be solid white, a white-on-white (WOW) print or a BW Print that is predominately white.

If you choose to use a black and white (BW) print for either the white or the black, you can’t use this or another BW print for the other background in the block. To ensure we have good contrast, use ONLY ONE (or none) black and white print per block.

If you make multiple blocks,  you can use the same white and black backgrounds in all your blocks and repeat other fabrics as long as none of your blocks are twins.


Tags and Categories


Add the tag xplus to all your blog posts about this block.

The category should be blocks when you are posting photos of your blocks to enter them in the drawing; use the category sent and received when you are posting about mailing or receiving blocks; and the category show and tell to share projects you make from this block (whether they are lotto blocks or blocks you make for yourself.)


The Virtual Quilt


Here’s some blocks made by sneak peekers, Barb P., Carol, Corinne, Deborah, Ginny, Glenna, Julie P., Karen B., Karen N., Laurina, Margaret and me.  If some of these blocks look like they don’t line up as expected, blame me and challenges with cropping the original photos into perfectly square blocks.

BarbP-XPlus-3 Margaret-XPlus-2 JulieP-XPlus1 Deborah-XPlus-4 Sophie-XPlus3
Carol-XPlus-2 KarenN-XPlus-1 Corinne-XPlus1 Sophie-XPlus1 Deboarh-XPlus-2
JulieP-Xplus5 Glenna-XPlus-1 Margaret-XPlus-1 JulieP-Xplus3 BarbP-XPlus-2
JulieP-Xplus4 BarbP-Xplus-1 Laurina-XPlus-1 KarenN-Xplus-2 Ginny-XPlus-2
Deborah-XPlus-3 Carol-XPlus-1 Glenna-XPlus3 KarenN-XPlus-3 KarenB-XPlus1
JulieP-Xplus2 KarenN-XPLus4 Ginny-XPlus-1 Glenna-Xplus2 Deborah-XPLus-1


You can see the full size photos in my Flickr album X and Plus Blocks if you want a closer look at some of the very interesting fabric combinations put together in these blocks.

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