Cactus Pots from Sneak Peekers Caroline, Ginny, Jill, Kate, Kathie and Rho

Posted by on May 1, 2009 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Caroline, Ginny, Jill, Kate, Kathie and Rho made some beautiful blocks and got us off to a good start this month.

Here’s Caroline’s block,

Caroline"s Cactus Block

Kathie’s two,

Kathie's Cactus Pot Blocks

and Ginny’s five blocks.

Ginny's Cactus Blocks

Kate made four blocks.

Kate Cactus Pot block #1 Kate Cactus Pot block #2
Kate Cactus Pot block #3 Kate Cactus Pot block #4

Rho made four blocks . . . and then made five more.

Rho's Cactus Blocks 1-4

Rho's Cactus Blocks 5-9

And Jill also made nine blocks.

Jill's May Lotto blocks

Add them all together and we have 30 blocks to start us off for the month of May. Many thinks to the sneek peekers for giving us such nice eye candy inspire us.

I’ve made a few blocks, too, but have had some distractions. I prmise that I will be finishing them up and adding them to the list soon.


  1. Everyone’s blocks are turning out so pretty. I didn’t like the pattern much at first, but seeing them done up and then the possible setting, I’m beginning to like them more and more.

  2. You are all inspiring me to get busy.

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