A minor change for newbies joining in 2011

Posted by on December 29, 2010 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

The process to sign up and become a blog author is going to change slightly next year.

After a new person has emailed me with:

  1. Name and (postal) mailing address
  2. Preferred E-mail address
  3. The URL of thier blog, if they have one and would like to share it

They will be all set to play.  When they have made their FIRST blocks and are ready to post them on the blog, I’m asking that they let me know and THEN I’ll invite them to become an author.

This is because we ARE getting close to the maximum number of blog authors allowed AND a fair number of people join, become authors and never participate.  I think this will help keep us under the limit … or maybe I should say I HOPE it will 😉

1 Comment

  1. Good idea, Sophie. It should work. I have two more sneak peek blocks done and will send them to you after I photograph them sometime today. It's Wednesday morning here already where I am!

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