June Blocks from Andra

Posted by on June 3, 2011 in blocks | 2 comments

Here are my 8 blocks for June.  I am not sure if the two in the middle count- same 3 fabrics but in different arrangement of pieces.  Not sure about the purple and black either but I like it.  So, Sophie, count up how ever many qualify and put them in for DONATION please.  I will be busy making 36 more pineapple blossom blocks for a king size quilt. 


  1. The same 3-FABRIC COMBINATION used in different locations IS NOT OK, so I count this as 7 (donated chances) + 1 for the pot.

    Aren't you glad we had an easy block this month, so you have more time to make pineapples?

  2. I am very excited about my pineapples. I love them! Thanks!

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