Posted by on July 22, 2011 in blocks | 1 comment

Here are 5 pairs of blocks from me.  I finally got my challenge quilt done and could get to this.  As soon as the block directions came out this month, I found the fabrics I wanted to use and set them on the cutting table as incentive to finish that darn challenge.  This block was a lot of fun – lots more fun than the challenge –  and I love the way they look all together.  Very visually interesting.  I have solid white in all the blocks, and some of the colors are solids and some are tone-on-tones.  Again this month, my fingers are crossed!

Sophie, good luck with your move.  I hope it all goes smoothly for you, and you can get into your new sewing space very soon!  How exciting to finally have a space to call your own!

1 Comment

  1. The cable guy is here and after an hour, I have a weak internet signal and no cable on either TV. So far, not so good, but at least I can update the list with everyone's block pairs.

    I've added yours to the list.

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