PB Blocks Received

Posted by on July 11, 2011 in Uncategorized | 1 comment

I received my Pineapple Blossom blocks from LPB on Saturday. She was so generous. She had originally sent blocks from the UK but they were lost somewhere. She is now back in the states and I assured her that really,  and it wasn’t her fault they were lost, but she insisted on sending more anyway.  As it turns out, she allows for things to go wrong and already had extra blocks made “just in case”. I love it! These blocks will fit right in! I AM going to finish Pineapple Blossom this month. Only one person failed to send their commited blocks and who knows? Maybe they will still show up this week and be able to be included in my quilt…if not….I also made extras!  Toni

1 Comment

  1. Hey Toni – the blocks were actually lost on the way from ASIA. I came home by way of the UK. I told Diana in the UK (hers are lost in Asia somewhere with yours!) that she should probably discipline the disobedient ones if they ever show up – after listening to the story they might have to tell! I'm afraid you two got the "first ones" I made. They are usually the ones I save as extras. I hope they are up to par! Blessings to you and yours! LPB

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