African Violets from London

Posted by on August 10, 2011 in Uncategorized | 5 comments

It may not seem like it from the news, but there is at least a little normality in London today – things seem calmer tonight, luckily, and we are not in a part of London likely to be affected (leafy suburb, fairly prosperous, though there are pockets).
Anyway. These are my nine violets – I loved doing this block and will definitely be doing it again in a different colourway (not sure what colourway, I can think of tons of options from a Christmas theme on a cream background, to batiks on black, to florals on neutrals, to pinks on green backgrounds, to…) – as usual, Sophie has picked a block which is not only great in the fabrics chosen for the lotto, but which provides so many other possibilities as well (and the handy size chart means I don’t even have to do the calculations myself if I want different size blocks!).


  1. we have been watching the BBC newswire closely. So frightening! very glad you are safe.

  2. It seems every time I went to get coffee at work, there was coverage on CNN or CNBC on the TV. It seems pretty scary from this side of the Atlantic.

  3. Sophie…..I am very very very interested in joining the "Lotto"!


  4. Katel – glad you were okay thru all that trouble. Can't make out what the words are in the middle right violet? Nice flowers!

  5. June, to be honest, i'm not sure what the words are – I can read bits of it – for instance "honeysuckle entwists" and "sun the lark sings" and "yellow hue dewdrops here" – I think it's something about gardening or flowers – and some of the spellings seem odd, so it might be from an old herbal perhaps? I collect fabrics with words on them, so I have lots of them – most of them aren't tone on tone, though, rather having white, gold or black writing…

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