It’s ALMOST time for the Sneak Peek

Posted by on August 24, 2011 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Tomorrow (August 24) is the last day to post a photo of blocks in order to receive the sneak peek.  I will almost certainly not have a chance to send the email to everyone–there are 48 of you so far–until tomorrow EVENING.  The deadline for posting is normally NOON (east coast time), but if you post a photo of your blocks before I get home … you’ll get the sneak peek email.

My sample blocks are made, the block directions and guidelines are ready to go, so as soon as I am home and settled, the mail will go out.

Tonight was the first time I’ve sewn in my still not unpacked sewing room.  The big discovery of the evening is that I have NO IDEA where most of my thread (and my thread holder) are 🙁


  1. Lookin' forward to it, what are the chances I'd get one made for your showing this time, lol slim and none :-}
    Come on over, Sophie, I'll give you any color thread you wanted. Sorry I can't help. BTW, I still haven't found my ruler/templates from my move 3 years ago-!

  2. Within minutes of publishing the blog post, I saw the box that contains the threads I needed … and it is clearly marked, too. Doh!

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