Andra’s Checkerboard Seat Cover

Posted by on August 8, 2011 in show and tell | 5 comments

Thought you might want to see where some of my July winnings have already gone…a chair cover for my chair at work.
It is going to help make my classroom a great place to be.  (I have to do something to make the idea of going back tolerable).

Thanks so much everyone!


  1. WOW and I haven't even got mine in the post yet…

  2. Terrific! I hope your students are impressed. I am. Kathie L in Allentown

  3. You'll have to smile when you arrive at your desk each day and see that chair. Very nice.

  4. I love this. Makes me want to go make more of these blocks.

  5. What an AWESOME idea. Fantastic – thank you for sharing. //rho

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