Look! A Rainbow ~

Posted by on August 19, 2011 in Uncategorized | 14 comments

My last 3 blocks came today from Sharon, thank you. I trimmed all of them to match at 8 1/4″, made a few more, and laid them out on the bed. They sure make a pretty rainbow, don’t you think? All planned, we’ll see how long before they are sewn together….

Happy Quilting,



  1. WOW. I totally LOVE the colors of your rainbow!

  2. That looks stunning! LOVE IT!!

  3. It looks amazing. Love, love it.

  4. That is going to be one scrummy quilt.

  5. looks like you planned how many of each color you needed. great layout job!

  6. looks like you planned how many of each color you needed. great layout job!

  7. What a terrific layout! Can I "borrow" the idea for my blocks?

  8. Sure, Julie ~ I'm itching to sew this, thank you everyone for the encouragement!

  9. Pokey – that quilt is GREAT… don't you have to sleep so sew sew sew now now now…. it is just perfect.

  10. Great idea! Amazing you got it to work out!

  11. It's beautiful! I love the way you have shaded the colours and think its amazing how so many different fabrics from all over the world work so well together.

  12. Oh, oh oh! This is so beautiful! I may have to make some of these for myself, I love it so much! You've done a great job with your shaded layout. What a fun quilt this will be.

  13. I realized this morning–when I finally went to the post office and mailed my checkerboard blocks that you don't have all your blocks yet … because 2 of mine are on their way to you. Maybe they can become back art for your fabulous rainbow quilt?

  14. That's going to be a beautiful quilt! I must confess, I'm a little jealous. Fortunately, I kept a pair of blocks that I didn't enter in the lotto, so maybe I'll find some time to make myself some more.

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