OOPS! Newbie’s first *3* Violet blocks

Posted by on August 20, 2011 in blocks | 4 comments

Sorry about posting repeats of fabric in my first (and now deleted) post. I must remember to read all the rules multiple times since I completely missed the “unique fabric” rule.

So these are my first three entries to Blocklotto. The white one is really cream with white print and yes, the green one IS green. I dislike green violets but I did have the right shade of green for the block.

I raise violets and have 50 or more right now. At the end of summer, however, most of them are going to be outside with a “Free to Good Home” sign on them. I don’t want to keep that many another winter. I’ll keep my favs and chuck the rest.

If you feel like you are reading this twice, you are. I deleted the first post while trying to delete photos and had to rewrite everything. Thanks for the nice welcome!



  1. Hang in there, Giselle. I promise it DOES get easier.

  2. Your violet flowers play well here, and welcome to the block!

  3. Your violet fabric looks wonderful in this block! Very "meta." Welcome.

  4. I made the same mistake with my first blocks so you are not alone. I can't imagine having 50 violets – it is as much as I can manage to keep 1 alive!

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